Monday, November 12, 2012


The idea to create a digital nurses trail was inspired by the Nurses Trail created by Arlee Hoyt McGee in Fredericton, New Brunswick in Canada. Arlee created a Nurses trail in her community, which was embodied in a pen and ink drawing booklet, featuring places within the community where nurses have contributed to the well being of the community for more than a hundred years. Her idea literally put nurses and nursing "on the map."

The Nurses Trail project you will experience by visiting this blog, drew inspiration from Arlee and built on the notion of a Nurses trail in every community - to make visible and tangible, the tremendous contribution of nurses locally and globally.

Our first US based nurses trail will be featuring the contributions of Nurses and Nursing in  Burlington Vermont and the greater Champlain Valley region.  We plan to include the locations where nurses have done their work, stories about nurses, and their contributions and intend to add audio and video resources to more fully document nursing's contribution.

Enjoy the site and we hope you will contribute your 'nursing story' and  your community's nursing history through the tools we will be providing using Google Maps.

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